中國石化新聞網訊 據世界石油網站2018年7月24日倫敦報道,SDX能源公司是一家專注于北非的石油和天然氣的公司,該公司已宣布在其埃及South Disouq租界的的SD-3X油井發現了天然氣(SDX 擁有55%的工作權益和運營權)。
SD-3X井鉆探總深度為7,842英尺,在阿布曼迪(Abu Madi)和Kafr el Sheik層上遇到32.6英尺的常規天然氣凈采收率,采收率為21.7%。
SD-3X井作為阿布曼迪(Abu Madi)層上的生產者即將竣工,然后在鉆井平臺離開位置后進行測試。為了優化SD-3X油井的潛在采收率,阿布曼迪(Abu Madi)層將在重新進入油井之前竣工并投入生產,以完成并生產Kafr el Sheik層。阿布曼迪(Abu Madi)測試預計將在鉆機離開后30至45天內開始但具體還要取決于測試設備的可用性。假設在阿布曼迪(Abu Madi)進行了一次成功的測試,預計該井將連接到原始SD-1X油田附近的基礎設施,該發現預計將于2018年第四季度末投產。
王嘉 摘譯自 世界石油
SDX Energy reports gas discovery at SD-3X, in Egypt's South Disouq
SDX Energy Inc., the North Africa focused oil and gas company, has announced that a gas discovery has been made at its SD-3X well in the South Disouq Concession, Egypt (SDX 55% working interest and operator).
The SD-3X well was drilled to a total depth of 7,842 ft and encountered 32.6 ft of net conventional natural gas pay in the Abu Madi and Kafr el Sheik horizons, with an average porosity in the pay sections of 21.7%.
The SD-3X well will now be completed as a producer in the Abu Madi horizon and then tested after the drilling rig has moved off location. In order to optimize the potential recovery from the SD-3X well, the Abu Madi horizon will be completed and produced initially before re-entering the well to complete and produce the Kafr el Sheik horizon. The Abu Madi testing is anticipated to commence between 30 and 45 days after the rig departs, depending on the availability of testing equipment. Assuming a successful test in the Abu Madi, it is anticipated that the well will be connected to the infrastructure located adjacent to the original SD-1X discovery, where production start-up is anticipated in late fourth-quarter 2018.